
Server Communication by SSH on Ubuntu 16.04

Server1 communicate with Server 2

On Client (Server 1)

1. Generate Keypairs

ssh-keygen [-b bits-length (default 2048)] -t algorithm-type [-f output-file-name]

$ ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/api-key

there are 2 files created in ~/.ssh which contains

2. Change file permission

$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/api-key
$ chmod 644 ~/.ssh/api-key.pub

3. Copy public key file to Remote Server

scp [original-file] [remote-user]@[remote-server]:

$ scp ~/.ssh/api-key.pub myuser@

enter myuser password

On Remote Server (Server 2)

1. Append public key file to authorized_keys

$ cat ~/api-key.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

2. Change file permission

$ chmod 644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Back to Client (Server 1)

Test connect to Server 2

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/api-key myuser@